muse sounds, solo violin

• Jan 8, 2024 - 18:19

Hi, when I try and use Musesounds solo violin sound, I get this weird glissy portamento effect.
So between one note and the next is a slide or glissando as if the violin only had one string, and was being played with one finger. To get around this I have to add a staccatto, or a dot on every note, which isn't what I want the score to look like.
The violin section sounds don't do this, so I am wondering if it is possible to get a normal, somewhat crisp violin articulation with out adding staccattos every where?


@sevcikshifter wrote > MuseSounds solo violin sounds a weird glissy portamento effect.
So between one note and the next [it sounds] as if the violin only had one string, and was being played with one finger.

Thanks for your observations! I'm of a similar frame of mind.

NOTE: I think the term portamento best describes the sound heard ... or one could refer to it as "a poorly executed shift." Technically glissando is a rapid "slide" though distinct scale tones—or chromatic tones—with a pronounced but very brief pause-articulation at each. There's ongoing confusion about the two names, possibly because, in onomatopoeic terms, "gliss" implies "glidey."

Example score:

I tested Muse Sounds' Violin 1 (solo) on a piece I wrote. In doing so I definitely noticed a substantially excessive amount of the portamento effect described in the opening post.

I hear distinct unwanted portamento in my piece at Measure 9, 14, 15, and then a lot after Measure 18. Probably the only place I'd want a portamento slide is at measure 23, but there's no control for attenuating or omitting portamento where deemed appropriate.


I appreciate that—when applied intentionally and judiciously—Violin 1 (solo)'s portamento effect can add an impressive realism to MuseScore's violin playback. But violinists work tirelessly to perfect their shifting to eliminate inadvertent portamento. So when they apply portamento deliberately, for effect, it's not just anywhere and everywhere as with MuseSounds Solo Violin. And when portamento occurs unintentionally in performance it's usually very brief ... and appears mainly at the end or beginning of the shift, or both.

Additionally the amount that Violin 1 (solo) invokes is excessive in terms of:

    a) the amount of pitch "slide"
    b) the length of time devoted to the slide
    c) that the portamento is essentially the default, particularly on high notes, or on notes with intervals greater than a minor 3rd.

That said, the Muse Sounds Solo strings are quite impressive. I'd just want to eliminate portamento as the default playback. And when I want it I should be able to control the portamento's extent and timing, as scorists could with MuseScore's bends in MuseScore 3.

I imagine this is all coming ...


In reply to by scorster

The labels 1 and 2 don't refer to desks. 1 is a more "expressive" style than 2.
That said I don't refer to what 1 sounds like as "expressive". I refer to it as "slop". Sorry, but no respectable musician would play that way. That goes for all the 1 sounds.

In reply to by bobjp

I absolutely agree, the violin 1 solo sounds like it is played on 1 string with 1 finger, and is completely inappropriate for all music, no matter how romantic it is.
I can hear the inappropriate portamento in some of the section string playing too.
Violin 2 is bearable, and I use it for all solo violin parts.
Amazingly, this complaint has been showing up for at least 1 year, yet nothing has been done about it.

In reply to by meferris7

So, don't use Solo Violin 1. Or Violins One. That's why there are two different sounds. There is a use for the solo 1 sound. I don't use it. The "2" sounds seem better for most things. I've tried 4 or 5 different fonts that really aren't any better.

In reply to by bobjp

But, the same portamento problems occur with the other string sounds. Also, using Violin 1 to designate a different style of playing is a bit confusing when other sound samples have a Violin 1 and Violin 2 sound to help differentiate the different parts in the score.

In reply to by adavismusic89

I set up a test score with lots of notes over a fifth apart. Solo 1 played portamento between almost every note. Solo 2 almost never did not. There really doesn't seem to be much reason to complain about solo 1. Some people might like it. I don't. So I use solo 2. If the developers are happy with the way solo 1 is, great. Why not.

In reply to by bobjp

We're going to have to agree to disagree on this one. It doesn't matter if the notes are a fifth apart or a second. I've attached samples of some parts that are being performing on the Violin 2 Section, Violas Section, Violoncellos Section, and Contrabass Section fonts. All of the parts contain portamento at a point that should not be occurring (minor and Major 2nds). As a string player, I would be embarrassed and probably immediately fired if I played this way in rehearsal or performance.

Attachment Size
Portamento 1.63 MB

In reply to by adavismusic89

I came here to look for advice on what to use for a solo violin sound. I do find it hard to believe that anyone would accept violin 1 as a representation of violin playing; maybe as some weird electronic sound, but not as a violin. Violin 2 is much more acceptable, and so I’m glad to have learned to use that here.

I've attached a file that demonstrates the difference between "default playback" (excessive portamento, and a weird "chorus" effect), and "straight playback" (somewhat robotic, but nice and clean).
In both cases all notes are in Muse Strings Violin 1 solo.

So for my money, this could be fixed with some sort of playing technique annotation or sound flag that controls what output is sent to Muse Sampler so that if you want the "clean" sound, you can get it without resorting to using a second staff.

Attachment Size
portamento-comparison.mscz 17.76 KB

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