ppa, and midi on linux

• Feb 20, 2010 - 19:38

Hi all,

I am having trouble with MIDI input under windows. (separate thread here) I just tought I'd install on my ubuntu (9.10, 64 bit) laptop, just to find out if I have the same problem there or not.

First I compiled my own copy, following instructions from http://musescore.org/compile-instructions-ubuntu-910-svn-trunk
Then there is midi input selection under settings, I/O, but it's greyed out, so this doesn't work. (and I installed all dependancies, including portaudio19-dev)

Then I installed from the musescore ppa, installed the 0.9.6 from that. And here comes the surprise:
There are no midi settings in that version at all?? (I was under the impressions that 0.9.6 comes with midi support...)

Anyway, in short: not much progress...

So the querstions:
- should I expect midi input in the current 0.9.6 ppa version?
- what do I need to do to be able to select midi stuff in my own compiled version. (What does it mean if midi selection is greyed out?)

Another interesting observation: I installed MUSE (midi sequencer) that came with ubuntu 9.10, and there I CAN see and select my midi devices. (I have not yet tried if they actually work or not)

Any ideas?


I have no idea regarding the PPA. I know some patches are applied but I'm not sure why a preferences panel is not here. You may contact Toby Smithe, the ubuntu/debian packager.

Regarding your own build, midi selection is disabled if USE_PORTMIDI is false because the device detection is only done with portmidi.
You may try to change line 203 in mscore/CMakeLists.txt in the current trunk to

I don't know why portmidi is not build on linux, there should be a good reason. If not I guess Portmidi could be default on all platform?

Regarding your last poinst MusE and MuseScore are now 2 separate code base as far as I know, so there is no consequences.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

true, true. :-)

I just thought that someone's advise, specially someone listed here as the ubuntu packager and with an "@ubuntu.com" email address, would be a good advise to follow...

Anyway, you've deleted the item no 4, and I don't think many people read it during the 10 minutes it was online. (fortunately you noticed quickly)


In reply to by mouk

besides all this:

Where do the 142 packages come from? I mean: What does "apt-get build-dep mscore" look at, to determine what is needed..? (because whatever source it takes, this source might need some cleaning up..?)

In reply to by mouk

It's a very interesting discussion to follow, but perhaps you will get more answers when you post it in Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/musescore Toby is tracking the issue tracker there quite rigorously and answers on short notice. Also, he made it clear that he would to resign as the MuseScore maintainer on Ubuntu, so I guess he is looking for someone to take over his task. If I'm wrong Toby, don't hesitate to correct me.

In reply to by Thomas

Discard my previous comment, since I was mistaking about resigning. I had interpreted a post on the mailing list as a possible resignation in April 2010, but that's totally wrong as I reread it. Toby simply wanted to discontinue support for the latest and greatest MuseScore on Ubuntu 8.04 and 8.10.

Sorry for the confusion!

In reply to by mouk

I am not an Ubuntu expert and haven't looked at apt-get but if this brings in 142 packages possibly it is bringing in everything needed to build from source rather than SVN. SVN has some shortcuts such as pre-built PDF handbooks, pre-built fonts, etc., so the dependencies for these side-sections of the software are not required for normal development. Of course distributions for Debian/Ubuntu/etc. require everything to be built from source.

In reply to by David Bolton

You might be right indeed. Another point is that apt-get will rely on the last version available in the repositories defined in your etc/apt/sources.list, so for Karmic it will get the required librairies for MuseScore 0.9.5. The page in the developer handbook is for the last SVN trunk so I would prefer putting the right libraries instead of a magical command to get 142 packages installed. So if someone knows why with the current instructions the MIDI option are greyed out and which particular library solves this, please raise your hand :)

I've copied the reply I sent to mouk's earlier e-mail. I must admit, I haven't revisited using PortMidi in Debian/Ubuntu, yet, because it was a little dodgy the last time I looked. I hadn't read this when I sent the e-mail, so I'll just add, thanks for prompting me to investigate this again!

2010/2/23 mourik jan c heupink :
> And it did NOT have the midi input selection under edit, preferences, I/O.
> (it's running under virtualbox, there are no midi devices connected, but the
> dialogue should be there, I guess)
> Are you aware of this? Is this expected..?

I'm not aware of there existing an ALSA midi input selection box under
the I/O preferences; if it does, it's new and I've never seen it.
However, if you look at the "Note Entry" tab, you can enable midi
input, and then use the ALSA midi controller to set up the device
routing; look at the "aconnectgui" tool for a simple interface. Is
that what you want? Or do you mean the PortMidi selection box? In
which case, you're right, but that's because I haven't done the
necessary investigation to support this well, yet. My main priority
for the packages at the moment is to get the 0.9.6 beta in Ubuntu and
Debian, in the PPA, and superseding the old "mscore" source. As I'm
pretty busy with school at the moment, this might take a few days, and
in the meantime, I apologise that the prereleases in the PPA are so
out of date!

I'll reply on the musescore.org page eventually, too - I'll probably
just copy this message - but I try away to stay away from there, as it
quickly becomes very time consuming to handle every support request.
Briefly, apt-get build-dep installs all the packages listed as Build
Dependencies in the source package. I don't know why, if you were
building from SVN, you wouldn't want any of those installed: my source
package is designed to provide all the possible features in the
simplest way (and I've put a fair amount of effort into ensuring
this), and, if you are interested in building from source, then do
take a look at my patches[1]; otherwise, you may find "vanilla"
musescore is more temperamental than you expect!

David's message at [2] provides a good insight, though. When Lasconic
says a "magical command", he doesn't seem to appreciate the subtlety
of APT's simplification (which is highly useful!). If you do add the
PPA before you download the development packages, then I can assure
you will get the right versions. To me, this is the simplest way of
ensuring this, and, because the packages are managed by your system,
also the safest.

Finally, I'm most certainly not resigning.

[1] http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mscore-ubuntu/musescore/debian/files
[2] http://musescore.org/node/4622#comment-12270


Toby Smithe :: http://tsmithe.net

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