Glissando is incorrect in exported MIDI file

• May 10, 2024 - 03:07

OS: Windows 11 23H2
MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.3.0-241231433, revision: 5f36e74

Usually, the glissando should start at the beginning of the note at the start point of the glissando symbol, and it correctly works in play-back in MuseScore.
However, it starts at the end of the note in MIDI files exported by MuseScore so it plays a very short glissando.
Look at the 2nd measure of the attached mscz file and listen to the mid file.
I would be happy if it would be fixed soon.

Attachment Size
Growing Up.mscz 64.66 KB
Growing Up.mid 5.86 KB

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