MuseScore Studio keeps crashing

• May 9, 2024 - 02:57

Every time I try to bulk delete measures on my score, MuseScore keeps on crashing. I've found ways around it, but I noticed that it happens after I delete measures two or three times. I just wanted to post this to see if there is a way around it or if any other people have the same problem.

UPDATE: I have about 15 measures left of my violin sonata I want to delete, but MuseScore 4.3.0 keeps crashing and quitting. I'll upload my violin sonata as of now to see if it's a problem with my score.

UPDATE 2: It's gotten really bad. I have like 9 measures empty and I can't delete them at all without MuseScore crashing.

UPDATE 3: I got it formatted properly! You can check out the finished sonata on my page :D

Attachment Size
violin sonata (crashgin-).mscz 109.17 KB


I wish I could tell you what is wrong with your score. Something is, but I know not what.
However think about this:
I saved your score as an mxl. Then opened the mxl. I was able to delete the measures. Mxl layout is a bit different so if you go that route you'd have to fix some things. But at least it is something to think about.

In reply to by mercuree

Henry, it took me a minute to find what mercuree was talking about. But it works. Select the Parts button next to the Mixer button top center of the MU4 window. Scroll over to and select the three dots to the right of the violin bar. There is the reset button. Thanks mercuree.
There are many "keep measures together" symbols. I have seen them cause problems in the past.

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