Distortions during playback on Musescore 4.2

• May 4, 2024 - 21:49

Hi. I bought a new entry level laptop manuf. in 2023/12 with Win.11 .ASUS with 8G RAM, Intel celeron 4020 processor and SSD 512 hard drive. During composition and repeated listening the full orchestral sound has annoying distortions like cracking ,cut out , intermitted short breaks. I downloaded the Muscore 4.2. Playback of the orchestral scores written on Muscore 3.6 on Win 10 , do not show any of the annoying distortions. Could it be my laptop not being able to handle the new version. Strangely enough it does not have a problem with producing sounds composed with earlier versions of Musescore.

Attachment Size
Sound_Picture_No.7.mscz 1.25 MB
Sound Picture No.16.mscz 60.84 KB


Hi - I raised the same issue minutes ago about 10 minutes.
The system requirements is OK covered on my Microsoft Surface with 8GB RAM.
Interested in haring, what I/we can do to overcome the issue.

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