Score is invalid

• May 4, 2024 - 02:03

I saved my score to the cloud and didnt realize it told me there was an error doing so until i closed the window. The score is still in my home, but it says it's invalid when i try and open it. Is there any way to get it back??


There are lots of inquiries about invalid scores here on the forum. Have you worked your way through the answers given there?
Since the causes can be very different: attach the file in question here and someone will examine it and, if possible, restore it.

In reply to by pinksikhewei

This is not a MuseScore file and there is no sheet music in this zip file.
Your file contains this:

Normally the content of a mscz file looks like this (and optionally plus an Excerpts folder):

So it's not surprising that you can't open it. Search for the correct file.

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