
• Apr 27, 2024 - 12:31

this is probably a really stupid question, but when there is no time signature - as for plainchant, how do I do it? Any help would be much appreciated


I usually go about this in a slightly different way:
1) Delete the time signature--this will set the default measure duration to 4/4
2) Count up the number of number of eighth- (or quarter-) notes in each phrase, and use measure properties to set the "actual duration" to that sum. This will put a bar line between each phrase, but you can change them to or add half- and quarter-bars
3) If you want stemless noteheads, you can click on a stem, "select all", and use "v" to hide them. There are other ways to do this, as well.

Here's a little tutorial I wrote about doing psalm-tones; it was written in 3.x, so I'm not sure how perfectly it will work in 4:

Attachment Size
Psalm_tone_suggestions_(ter).3.mscz 8.62 KB

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