Tied notes have wrong note duration

• Apr 25, 2024 - 21:23

You can try this in Musescore 4. Simply add a full note, then add 2 tied half notes.


The tied notes on the second chord do not have the same note length. Can be seen on midi when exported


I'm not going to question why the notes aren't even held for the full duration they should be held for a start. But what the hell is this difference when I can clearly see they should end at the same time. Is this normal behaviour or one of Musescore's many pathetic oversights. Is there a way to fix this?


In reply to by maclikescheeze

I guess this is what Musescore does:
It inserts silence between untied notes and does not do so between tied notes, so tied notes start earlier and end earlier. And the untied note starts as usual and ends as usual - later than the others.
I do not know why it is so. There may be a reason for this.

I moved the part of the image containing the second chord and the notes (with the exception of the one that is written shorter than the others) look to have the same duration.

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