Adding symbols to palettes from master palette / score doesn't work

• Jan 4, 2024 - 03:47

It works in MS3.6, doesn't in 4.2.
As a reminder: adding symbols that aren't already part of the default palettes (which is the main purpose of having the ability to create a custom palette) can only be done via drag-and-drop from either the master palette or the score.
However, when trying to do so, the mouse cursor remains a stop sign as if one were to try to drag the desired symbol on random parts of the interface, rather than into the custom palette as intended.

Additionally, I'd like to point out that the handbook for MS4 states that it is also possible to add the master palette symbols to the custom palette via the "more" button, but that is incorrect, because that button only allows access to the symbols already available via the other palettes.

This regression is particularly unpleasant since only MS4 has a correct-looking "jazz turn" in the form of the Finale Broadway font's version of the "flip"...


This works mostly like the manual says. But you don't need the "more" button in order to add anything to a palette.
Hold CTRL+SHIFT, select the element. Ignore the red circle. While holding CTRL+SHIFT, drag the the element to the desired palette. Room will be made. the red circle changes to a +.
This works both from the master palette and the score.

In reply to by bobjp

Again, it doesn't. It only allows you to access the symbols that are already in standard palettes. Just try it. Create a new palette, press "more", and keep pressing one of the arrow buttons to switch between the various default palettes as possible sources. You will NEVER reach the "symbols" macrocategory or any of its subcategories, the actually necessary part of the master palette. It might look like it on first glance because the first subcategory is "accordion" which is ALSO a default palette, but that's just the master palette containing a duplicate between a category and a subcategory, not that subcategory being available

In reply to by Nicola Rulli

There do seem to be inconsistencies in the whole saving to palettes thing. Sometimes it works. Sometimes not very well. Personally, my needs are simple, so I don't need to worry about it often. Though I would never waste the time it takes to cycle through so many palettes. I would just open the master palette and scroll to what I wanted.

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