I've tried, really tried, to get 4 measures per line in this score, but I can't.

• Feb 28, 2023 - 07:26

I don't get the stretch and system break system, no matter what I do it's 3 or less bars per system.
It doesn't seem to matter what I do, It just won't and it makes zero sense to me.
I've read the layout and formatting article, I've googled the issue, but I can't seem to complete the steps it would take to get this formatting. Can someone explain the steps?
Thank you.

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Let him in Score - Measure problem.mscz 32.91 KB


For the record, the reason reducing the staff size is the way to go is that right now, there are literally too many notes to fit on a system at the current size without things practically colliding. Not sure if you read the actual MuseScore 4 Handbook article on "Score size and spacing" and on "Systems and horizontal spacing", but the article you mention applies to an older version of MuseScore, and wasn't particularly well organized. If you do read those articles, you'll learn about the "minimum note distance" and "spacing ratio" settings, and you'll find that by settings them both to the minimum values, you can fit four bars per line, but it looks terrible - way too overcrowded to be readable. Still, it's good to know about those settings and how they work, so be sure to read the appropriate sections in the MuseScore 4 Handbook.

Here's the relevant chapter: https://musescore.org/en/handbook/4/formatting

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