Has anyone, anywhere got MS4 playback working on a Linux system?

• Jan 31, 2023 - 22:03

Four long days of trying everything and I could think of, and still no sound from MS4 playback on a Ubuntu 22.04 system. I have read virtually every thread on the subject and nowhere is it acknowledged by anyone associated with MuseScore that MS4 playback in Linux is deader than a doornail. Tell me how to get it working, or, if you're on the development team, be forthright and tell me it's broken.

Another forum poster says MuseScore 4 has started treating Linux users as second class citizens. I don't want to agree--I've been a huge user, supporter, and advocate of MuseScore for over a decade--but I must. There's more than a whiff of half-assery in the implementation for Linux.


I have it playing back via the AppImage and using the MS Basic sounds. Audio device is set as System Default and no MIDI In or Out. I haven't tried installing MuseHub and nor do I plan to.

OS: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.0.1-230121751, revision: 9b70a8c

In reply to by underquark

So basically you're just running 3.6 with a few engraving improvements. The only part of MS4 I'm interested in is the much-vaunted, fabulous new playback. I wouldn't be surprised to discover many MS users feel the same. I'm not interested in engraving improvements. With work, MS has always been able to turn out beautiful scores. I want--expected, given the hype--the game-changing, best-of-breed, gold standard playback we were promised. I'm not usually this critical, but wow! what a freakin' awful disappointment to discover that Linux users have been forgotten. Why "forgotten"? Because if we'd been on anybody's mind, they would have told us MS4 wasn't ready for Linux. A simple "still beta and we're working on it" would have sufficed.

Not sure what you've tried or what specifically went wrong, but for the record, simply downloading the supported AppImage works perfectly on every Linux system I've tried. Also downloading Muse Sounds via the Muse Hub has worked perfectly.

In reply to by Eric Eaton

Can you explain what specifically goes wrong for you? Which audio system(s) are you using? You are using the supported AppImage and not some sort of third party build? FWIW, it continues to work perfectly right out of the box on Debian and other distributions, but some systems might require to change some audio settings, so the more you can share about your system configuration, the better people can help.

In reply to by Eric Eaton

No one has replied to this thread with a useful answer. When MS4 came out, it was apparent that the Linux platform had been and continues to be ignored. Complaints were raised almost immediately but were swatted off like pesky mosquitos. We ought to have known when 3.x versions started appearing as flatpaks and snaps--the lazy developer's half-assed way of porting to Linux.

In reply to by Peter Schaffter

Hmm, it seems you might have missed some of the replies in this thread. We definitely confirmed MU4 runs just fine on Linux in general - I’ve been running it happily on four different Linux machines since the day it came out, including with Muse Sounds.

So we need more information about your specific configuration to understand what is causing problems for you. Can you explain in more detail what specifically is going on? After downloading the AppImage and making it executable and running it from the command line just as you would for MU3, what specifically goes wrong? What error messages appear on the console? Or, if it works fine from the command line but not after running with the “install” option to run directly from your window manager, we’d need more info about your window manager and the environment it runs programs in, which can different from the terminal environment. In particular, it would be useful to know what combination of pipewire, ALSA, or other audio systems you are running, since that is different from system to syste, and sometimes you might need to change a setting to get things working if your configuration is not one of the more common ones that work “out of the box”.

As for Flatpak and Snap, those builds are not provided by the MuseScore rearm but instead by the maintainers of those systems, as a service to the people who find those to be a useful way of running programs. That is no different from MU3. But the official supported way of running MuseScore has not changed in many years - download and optionally install the AppImage directly from this site.

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