Tablature shortcuts: corrections

• Dec 15, 2022 - 13:20

Some corrections for the Tablature section of Default keyboard shortcuts page

  1. "Shift+99" should be "Shift+9".
  2. "Enter TAB: fret" entry (numbers) only goes up to 9. Should indicate that all fret numbrs are possible.
  3. The "Enter TAB: fret" entry for the letters A-K should read "Enter TAB: fret (0-9)".


I don't know a good way to indicate this using this simple chart form. Of course, it's covered in more detail in the corresponding section of the Handbook. I'd rather than clutter the chart unnecessarily. But if you can think of a good syntax, let me know. As it is, I'm using the same syntax as for standard note input: a generic "Enter note" (listing A-G) and "Enter TAB: fret" (listing 0-9), which seems clear enough for a simple chart like this.

In reply to by geetar

I don't know, it still feels like more detail than is needed. We're not trying to document everything about the behavior, just provided a quick reminder of the keys - and the keys are 0-9. It's expected you already know what the command is and how it works. Frankly, I could just as well delete these lines, as there is not going to be anyone who needs help remembering what the shortcut for "enter fret 6" is.

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