Reverse order of notes in a selection -- RETROGRADE SHORTCUT?

• Mar 8, 2021 - 23:51

Suppose you have a scale like this: C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C
and you want to reverse the order: C-B-A-G-F-E-D-C

In other words, you want to make an ascending scale into a descending scale, or reverse the order of any sequence of notes and rhythms. I have seen lots of references to PLUGINS, but no reference to SHORTCUTS.

In fact, I had a group of 4 16th notes selected and hit some key by accident and it reversed them. I didn't notice what I hit, but I hit a shortcut. I want to know what that is. Anyone?

Similarly once I was typing in a word processor or something, and the selected text went all caps when I hit a key that I forgot. Too bad I don't take better notes!


There is no shortcut to reverse a whole sequence of notes. But you can exchange two notes while in note input mode, if they have the same duration, via Shift+Left/Right.

But you can indeed install a plugin for retrograde, and once you do, you can assign it a shortcut. I see a couple different options on the plugins page, so maybe try them both to see which works better for you.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Maybe that's what I did by accident. I just did it just now. I thought I had reversed the order of a set of 4 16th notes. I am new to plugins so I will try to learn how to use them. Does a plugin become a regular feature when you plug it in, or a regular feature to the standard software when management deems it worthy?

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