New Bracket Symbol in Leland or Edwin

• Feb 15, 2021 - 18:49

Would it be possible to add/modify the bracket symbol in either Leland or Leland Text so that it looks nicer when enlarged to bracket several lines of lyrics?

Right now, the bracket symbol is rather ugly and especially bad when enlarged looking like many others in other fonts as if it was not dealt with at all. Something similar to the bracket symbol in the font “Inkpen2 Special” that was discussed here about 9 years ago would be nice or like the bracket in the 2nd attached photo.

I don’t know how easy this would be to accomplish, but it just makes sense, at least to me…

Thanks in advance for any consideration you give to this request.

Attachment Size
Ugly Brackets.pdf 28.82 KB
Bracket.jpg 64.88 KB


I assume you are adding this as text then trying to set a large font size? That indeed won't look like what you want here - you want a symbol that is much taller than a standard bracket but no thicker. That's not something the font itself would normally provide; it's something more you scale in graphics. Like for instance, add a standard bracket, take a snapshot using the image capture tool, then add that and scale it vertically only (or primarily, anyhow).

I could imagine someday Unicode or SMuFL being extended to define brackets of different heights, and then of course our fonts could include these symbols. But you'd still need to position them separately, so I'm not sure that's any better than using an image.

In reply to by HuffNPuff

Just an FYI:

I found a decent bracket in a font called "Palace Script MT" which I used to create a LARGE sized bracket in MuseScore that I captured, added, manipulated to make narrower and recaptured to use in MuseScore.

It looks better than my MS PMincho bracket and it easy to work with.

Thanks for the suggestion!

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