No thumb fingering for cello

• Sep 24, 2009 - 14:08


I realize that in fingering window there is no symbol to mark the thumb for the cello. I mean this kind of oval with a small vertical line in the bottom.

It is a useful symbol. If it is in a different place, probable it would be better to put it in this place.



In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Enter "Z" and the symbol palette pops up. The "thumb" is in the palette and can be dragged onto an note head.
It should also to be possible to unlock the fingering palette and extend it by dragging the thumb to the fingering palette. While trying this my current mscore version crashed. I think i found a new bug...

In reply to by [DELETED] 3

oops sorry I didn't remember the symbol palette.

Regarding unlocking palette, etc.., I can't do it on windows neither with 0.9.5 or the last trunk. There should be a popup menu when right clicking on the palette name right?

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Hi again!

I tried to unlock the palette as it's explained. However,if I left click over the window title, instead of appearing a menu, I grab the window. I'm using ubuntu 8.04 and 0.9.5 version. Maybe I missunderstood something.

Anyway, I don't know another use for the symbol in question than marking where a note should be played using the left thumb. Probably, best choice is to put this symbol in the Fingering palette.

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