Pseudo beam showing in TAB

• Jun 8, 2018 - 16:14

I've nearly finished my first score but have somehow triggered what looks like a beam above the stave that is not linked to any notes. I know that this is a bit vague but can anyone tell from the yellow highlight in this image what I might've done?



No without seeing the actual score. It may actually be from the staff above it. Click the "beam" and see what the status bar calls it at the bottom left of the MuseScore window.

In reply to by yonah_ag

Again, in order to be of more help, we'd need you to attach the actual score. Could be you accidentally moved it out of position; Ctrl+R would reset it. But that doesn't explain why you don't see the stems the beam is connected to. So we'd need to see the score to understand.

In reply to by yonah_ag

Now it makes sense. You have made the stems in voice 2 invisible but not the beams. Select the beams and press V. You can right click one, then use select>more... to select beams only in the current voice to make them all invisible at once.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

It's my first foray into multiple voices as I have been taking the easy option in Guitar Pro of "Auto Let Ring" but want to improve this score in terms of its sound, (hence multivoice), and presentation, (hence MuseScore). In GP6 switching on stems for all voices ends up a bit of a mess because it's hard to tell the bass rhythm, (voice 4), from the accompaniment, (V3 and V2). The melody is in voice 1 and that's the voice I left on.

I certainly want to avoid it being confusing but my notation reading skills are not good, hence I like to be able to show the rhythm in TAB. Maybe I can find a way in MuseScore of displaying the rhythm like GP's single voice version but in a multi voice setup.

I do agree that it is confusing and appreciate your feedback. I think that being new to MuseScore and multivoices this could take me a while! Still, it's giving me a good learning experience. :-)

In reply to by yonah_ag

Sorted. I have combined voice 3 into voice 2 and switched on all stems. This has resulted in some compromised durations for v 2/3 notes but the rhythm display now looks much better. Since there is no longer a voice 3, all stems above the TAB are the melody.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

A question: are you sure you are not using GP7 (be aware the new format gp. is not yet supported by MuseScore), before exporting in the .gpx format, since you use this program:
And so, finally, by importing your file in MuseScore?
I can reproduce something similar by this way.
Meanwhile, to solve the problem here: select the number 3 (measure 2, last beat voice 2) and number 0 (the second one, third string, voice 2), and double-click on "No beam" (third symbol) in Beams properties palette:

In reply to by cadiz1

Thanks that fixed it – but also shows that I have some of the accompaniment notes in the wrong voices. Voice 1 is melody, 4 is bass, 2 & 3 are accompaniment.

I tabbed this originally in GP6 and transferred it to musescore as a musicxml file. (Musescore offers more fine tuning of the printed score than GP). I haven't had a hands-on with GP7 yet but it looks good.

Actually, I think that musescore was able to open the .gpx file directly and I didn't need the .musicxml.

In reply to by yonah_ag

You really need to attach the score, so there will be less guessing involved. My final guess is that this is in the first measure of the system and there are systems after this. At the end of this system of staff (stave in England) you have the beam of an 8th note attached to the next line but it is not displayed properly. I could be remembering wrong and the bogus beam is because the previous system is beamed to the current system. I either case, make the note causing the problem be the final beamed note.

I prefer to have the beams displayed properly, but MuseScore has this pesky bug that makes this not display properly and humans will not understand what is shown.

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