Symbol representing beat in a bar.

• Mar 19, 2009 - 20:28

I have searched and perhaps I have just not been able to find this in MusSc., but I find a diagonal slash, (top right to bottom left), without note heads (which can be misleading), useful as a bar filler to indicate rhythms for accompaniment when soloing in a Jazz situation. Changes can then be attached to the proper stwm.

These are basicall stems, slanted, with flags and beams when required.

I would find this to be a very useful feature.

Thank you.


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Although I don't have a picture :-( When I played jazz years ago I saw these, they look like regular notes around the middle line but with thick slashes instead of the note head. I believe for the hollow notes (half notes) there were two slashes connected by thinner lines to make a sort of parallelogram. Wish I had a picture, but I haven't played any jazz for years. I'm just confirming that this would be useful to more than a single user.

In reply to by David Bolton

Thank you.

I tried this.
It was difficult at first to select the measure.

After finally doing this, I removed the stems from 4 bars. To save time, I tried to copy the result. When I pasted the copt, only one quarter note had the stem removed, all others had the stem re-attached. It would be great if this was fixed, as right now it adds a level of repeated work.

Also, the stems seem to be removable only from quarter note. I tried eighths, but the stems would not erase. On consideration, however, this at least provide a proper way to notate rhythm.

This is a great service you folk are providing. Please keep up the good work.


In reply to by xavierjazz

I have found those slash marks in the SYMBOLS page. However, maybe someone can tell me how I can insert them into a measure and then have the whole measure rest disappear. I tried to make a measure of 4 slashes (in place of 4 quarter notes (crochets), but when I printed out, the whole note rest was still there, along with the slashes.

The measure rest disappears when you input notes, but stays when I put in slashes. What am I missing? How do I get MuseScore to treat the slashes as notes, and make the measure rest disappear?


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Hi there,

Thanks. I need to use slashes for drum notation. Unfortunately when I select the slash notehead in palette nothing happens. I have seen that I can input the slashes one by one having made the bar rest invisible. Is there a better way to get around this, or could this be something for future versions of MuseScore .

Thanks to all involved in producing MuseScore and answering these things. You are awesome.

have attached an example of drum notation with slashes.


Attachment Size
drum-combi.gif 1.34 KB

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