moving system dividers causes crash when using page settings dialog

• May 17, 2016 - 13:50
Reported version
S2 - Critical

9936550, Windows 7

  1. Open existing score or create new one, doesn't matter
  2. Tick Style → General → System → Dividers → Left

    Looks OK, the standard short system dividers are shown left, so far so good.

  3. Change to System dividers Long or extra Long

    Doesn't work, it still shows the short ones. And leaving, then reentering the dialog seems to prove that the change hasn't been saved.

  4. Tick Style → General → System → Dividers → Right

    Dividers are shown, but instead of to the right of the system, they show to the left of the left divders

  5. Untick/Tick Style → General → System → Dividers → Left

    Now long dividers are shown, but the dialog still has them as normal dividers


next issue: move one of the dividers with the mouse or the inspector, then open the page settings dialog


Fatal: ASSERT: "!strcmp(MStyle::valueType(idx),"bool")" in file .../MuseScore/libmscore/score.h, line 770 (:0, )

Status (old) fixed active

right dividers still don't work properly, thes still show up left of the left dividers
And the crash when using the page setting dialog still happens, same assert as before, just 1 line later

Title system dividers don't work properly, moving them causes crash when using page settings dialog right system dividers don't work properly, moving them causes crash when using page settings dialog

The crash when moving a System divider using the mouse and then opening the page settings dialog still exists.
Fatal: ASSERT: "!strcmp(MStyle::valueType(idx),"bool")" in file .../MuseScore/libmscore/score.h, line 783 (:0, )

The bug that the right dividers are shown left (of the left dividers) still exists

Title right system dividers don't work properly, moving them causes crash when using page settings dialog right system dividers show left, moving right or left system dividers causes crash when using page settings dialog