A few bugs I've noticed

• Sep 23, 2009 - 23:19

Here are some bugs I have found. I didn't see any of them in the tracker, but I probably missed them.

Inexistent notes in second voice
This is a crash. To reproduce:
1. Enter notes in the first layer of a new score
2. Enter notes in the second layer of the same measure
3. Select the note or chord in the second layer (not in note edit mode) and delete it by pressing "delete"
4. There will be no note or rest in that position
5. If you try to add a new note in this blank space, and the program crashes

Chord entry plays second last note entered, not first
I know this has probably been brought up before, but when entering notes in a chord, the note played back is the second last note inserted.

Key signatures don't show naturals
I have noticed that, immediately after inserting key signatures, the naturals will be displayed. However, after some more editing, they will eventually disappear and only show the new sharps/flats. This happens not only as described in http://www.musescore.org/en/node/2389, but more importantly in the middle of the line. This makes it incredibly difficult to realize when there is a switch to C major! :) I'm still looking into exactly what causes this. I have a file I can attach if that would help.


Thank you for your bug reports. Here are some responses and more questions to the three bug reports you listed above.

1. I'm not able to reproduce a crash with 0.9.5 or the latest nightly. However it doesn't let me add the voice 2 notes back so it is still a bug. See if you can investigate the crash a little more. Does it crash for you every time? Maybe there are more details than the steps you outlined above. Even as a non-crashing bug it would be worthwhile to add this as a new item in the issue tracker. Be sure to mention which version of MuseScore you are using.

2. Chord entry doesn't make any sound for me. What method are you using to add chord notes?

3. Cautionary accidentals at the end of the staff line are implemented in the latest nightlies. I updated the bug report to indicate this. Lets see if we can find the steps that cause the accidentals to disappear for C major before adding this to the issue tracker. In the meantime it would be helpful to attach the file you mention.

In reply to by David Bolton

1. I found that on a Windows machine. My home GNU/Linux machine doesn't crash like the Windows one did. (Which means it's probably not MuseScore's falut :) ) It was also "installed" under a user account with no privileges whatsoever, so that may have something to do with it too.
2. The chords only make a sound when they are entered with the mouse. When they are entered this way, the entry plays back the second last note.
3. I attached the file. The first key changes where the naturals are needed work fine (m23 and m28). In m44 it changes to A minor, but there is no indication, since the naturals aren't displayed. They also aren't displayed at the key change at m63. (I added line breaks to better show what I mean)
4. Another critical bug I forgot to mention: when finished with a draft of a piece, there is no way to insert a measure with a different time signature. For instance, when working on a piece, I finished, but then realized that I completely skipped over a 3/4 measure in an otherwise 4/4 piece. I found that there is not currently any way to add it back in. The only "workaround" I have found when in c time is to add a ¢ measure, and then the irregular measure one measure before. This solution, however, reflows the music for a ¢ time signature, creates a funny line across the page, and is not at all practical.

Attachment Size
holdonholdon.mscz 15.15 KB

In reply to by trombonechamp

3. I'm not sure what was going on in the score you attached. If you are able to reproduce this starting from a new score please post the steps. As a workaround you can drag the 5-sharp key signature onto each staff in m.44. Then drag the A minor key signature onto each staff in m.44.

4. To insert a 3/4 measure the only thing you have to watch out for is how it treats the rest of the piece. As a preventive measure drag a 4/4 time signature to the measure after the one you just inserted before you drag a 3/4 measure on the measure you just inserted. No need to use cut-time. I'm not sure what you mean about the "funny line across the page" or how a cut-time signature "reflows" differently from a 4/4 times signature or common time.

In reply to by David Bolton

3. I (almost) figured out how to reproduce this.
* Create a blank document in the key of C
* Insert a "D♯" key signature in bar 5 or something
* Insert a "B♭" key signature one bar before that
* Insert another "D♯" key signature two bars before the one in "D♯"
It seems that, if a key signature is inserted before another key signature of opposite accidental type, that key signature must be re-inserted to display the naturals before it. Using this logic, though, I still can't explain why the "C" bar didn't display any naturals.

4. Hopefully you can reproduce this from the steps below?
* Open the default Promenade score
* Drag a 6/4 time signature onto measure 15
* Drag a 2/4 time signature onto measure 14
* The 6/4 time signature is ignored, and all of the measures after are turned into 2/4 measures
* Ctrl-Z, and the music will flow across measures that are the wrong horizontal size, disregarding the barlines
The line only shows up when I try to do it in one of my scores. It is a gray diagonal line that extends from the upper left corner of the document.

I'm running 0.9.5 from the debs. Was this fixed in SVN?

Attachment Size
ignore_64.png 285.76 KB
music_flow.png 309.39 KB

In reply to by trombonechamp

The two problems listed above are legitimate bug reports in-and-of themselves. I added them to the issue tracker:

Now that you are getting the hang of writing clear, concise steps to reproduce the bug reports please add them directly to the issue tracker in the future. In the two bug reports linked above you will notice that I numbered the steps. This makes it easy for you or others reference a particular step. Often is helpful to include "expected behavior" and "actual behavior" as shown in the second link.

With regards to the missing natural signs for A minor my guess it it started out at the beginning of the line and later moved as you added more music. However courtesy key signatures at the end of the line are implemented in the latest nightlies so this bug is already fixed (see 19.sep of the ChangeLog

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