MuseScore 4.3 opens splash screen and bombs

• May 13, 2024 - 03:57

MuseScore 4.3 was running beautifully.
Then I deleted a folder MuseScore3.

Now, I double click the desktop MuseScore icon.
The splash screen opens saying loading.
Then it opens a white screen
• on top left the purple MuseScore icon + MuseScore studio
• on top right minimise, maximise & close window buttons
Sometimes, the splash screen disappears, leaving nothing showing.

System: Windows 11, 64-bit running, OneDrive

I downloaded and re-ran Muse_hub.exe
I clicked on MuseScore on the Muse-Hub screen
Previously this downloaded and installed MuseScore but this time I think it opened my existing MuseScore giving the same old error: the splash screen opens and closes as above.

I opened cCleaner > Tools and tried to repair MuseScore4 Studio 4. This gave the following error:

MuseScore studio 4: The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable. Click ok to try again or enter an alternative path to a folder containing the installation package: Musescore-studio- in the box below: Use source C:\programdata|musehub|downloads.tmp\

When I cancelled this repair I got another message:

An Installation Package for the product Muse Score Studio 4 cannot be found, try the installation again using a valid copy of the installation package.


In reply to by TDYama

I tried to revert to the factory settings

In the windows search space at the bottom of the screen, I typed Start
Then run
Then found the exe file and added a space + -F
“C:\Program Files\MuseScore 4\bin\MuseScore.exe” -F

I saw Welcome to MuseScore Studio
I Picked the default theme
I saw where I could see video of how to install Muse-Sounds
I saw the offer of video tutorials
I Clicked Finish
Unfortunately, I still get the same near all-white screen as described above

Thanks for the suggestion

In reply to by TDYama

I have already tried moving the MuseScore3 folder back to where I think it came from.
It went into my documents folder just above where the current MuseScore4 directory sits.
I think I have this on One Drive.
That did not work.
Then I deleted the MuseScore3 folder again.

Not sure what you meant by delete
It may mean for me to ignore the previous suggestion.

I downloaded & ran the installer, then ran repair.
When I ran MuseScore, I got the same blank screen

I ran the installer again, removed MuseScore, and then reinstalled it.
When I ran MuseScore, I got the same blank screen

This all seems very strange to me.
I was enjoying using MuseScore so very much
Learning Mozart’s Ave Verum, enjoying hearing the other parts around my voice.

Thanks again for your attention and suggestions.

In reply to by andrewlcg

Hello TDYama, I got an email from you that I cannot see on this thread. It says "Msi installer available" and gives three links, one a MuseScote link and two osuosl links. Could you please let me know what you suggest I do with these links? I have already tried to remove and reinstall MuseScore with the msi you suggested. Thanks

There is also windows system restore. You can see if it can help, if there is a recent checkpoint.

I haven’t used windows “complex features” recently. The windows 10 system I used occasionally never had a problem.

In reply to by TDYama

I'm not sure what to try next. Is it worthwhile for me to:
. uninstall MuseScore 4.3
. try installing an earlier version, a beta version of MuseScore.

I'll see if I have any saved Windows restore points. It's new stuff for me.

Is there another suggestion for me in some of the above posts?
It's bedtime for me now. Thanks for everyone's involvement.

In reply to by andrewlcg

I found a suitable Windows restore point. I reverted to the system at that time, a time when I was using and enjoying MuseScore 4.3. I eagerly tried to run MuseSCore again. I still get the same almost all-white screen as described above. Does anyone have any further suggestions?

In reply to by andrewlcg

Here's the thing. Uninstall and reinstall (which is basically what you are doing) never works. Why? because uninstall doesn't get rid of everything. And when you reinstall, many of the things that were causing the problem to begin with, are still there. Many of those things are in "Hidden" folders. This is true of any software you have uninstalled. So, you need to lookup how to view hidden folders for your OS. Then run a search of your hard drive for what you are trying to get rid of. In your case I would, one at a time, do both 3 and 4. And delete what comes up. Then use the registry cleaner part of cCleaner to get rid of everything that comes up. Restart your computer.
Good luck.

In reply to by TDYama

Other people who write about his sort of error talk about the speakers they use, so the following may be relevant to this MuseScore problem.
. I have only used the speakers on my laptop.
. I do connect my laptop to a second big screen via an HDMI cable. I ran MuseScore successfully using three separate big screens, one was in my home and another was a Samsung TV. Now back with my home setup, I am having the described difficulties.

In reply to by andrewlcg

Someone with a windows system can go to the main menu and look under Diagnostic - System - Show Paths (and then post the output). Those are some of the places musescore uses. You may need to use a registry cleaner or at least look in the registry for more files and directories.

In reply to by TDYama

Hello again TDYama, could you please elaborate?
What is the Windows main menu?
Do you want me to post this output on this forum? I will if I can find it.
I have cCleaner to clean my registry.
This is getting so complicated.
thanks again.

In reply to by andrewlcg

The menu I was discussing is in Musescore. Since you can’t run musescore, you can’t see the menu. But other people with a windows computer and musescore 4.3 could open it up and post the information. You had asked for information on musescore files, and the list would give directory names that muse score gives. I don’t know if it’s everything but it is a start.

Have you tried the recent suggestion of “hasCompletedFirstLaunchSetup=true”. It seems worth a try.

If you have completely cleaned your registry, musescore would install like a new version. Seems like it’s not all cleaned out.

Did you scan your hard disk for errors?

You could also try a nightly build of version musescore 4.4 in development.

There are bug risks but may be worth it. It will make a new subdirectory for scores so you would need to copy your older scores to the development directory, if you plan on working on them. I am currently using a 4.4 nightly on Ubuntu to write a new Score.

In reply to by andrewlcg

I got MuseScore 4.3 working - because TDYama provided me with the MuseSore 4.3 msi file above – and with the help of you others. Thanks.

This is what I did.

First, I went to cCleaner and uninstalled three programs.
. Muse Hub
. MuseScore 3, and
. MuseScore 4

I set File Explorer to show hidden files
Go to Control panel>File Explorer Options>View>Show hidden files and folders>OK.

I opened File Explorer and searched for MuseScore on “This PC”

File explorer search for MuseScore showed four folders:
I did not delete these.

File Explorer also showed:
"C:\Users\MyName\OneDrive\Desktop\MuseScore Studio 4.lnk"
I deleted this desktop icon

It also showed the downloaded installation program for MuseScore 3
I did not delete this.

My search for Muse_hub only found a download. I did not delete it.

So, the uninstall programs got pretty much everything.

I used the program CCleaner to
. get rid of unwanted files, and
. tidy the registry, (It does not delete everything in the registry)

I restarted my computer.

I checked as above, and File Explorer was still set to show hidden files

I again searched for MuseScore on File Explorer.
This time there was only 1 file there:

The funny entries were gone, those like:

I downloaded Muse_Hub and ran the execute file
I clicked on the MuseScore box
But the download of MuseScore looped. It did NOT finish!

I went back to this forum post, downloaded and executed

This has worked and I am again happily practising my singing.

Strange about Muse Hub.
Will my MuseScore 4.3 update by itself or do I need to get Muse Hub running?

Computing problems can be so lonely without help. Thanks.

In reply to by andrewlcg

Great. It works.

For musehub, I think it installs a background process. You can check startup programs. Make sure one called muse???? is “started” and running, and not disabled in some way.

You can try type "services.msc" in a command window. Also check if an antivirus programmed flagged it.

Otherwise, there is a muse hub help site that may be able to help better:

In reply to by TDYama

Dear TDYama,
I'm frightened of any further changes to my MuseScore - after spending two days getting it working.
MuseScore 4.3 is great for me as it stands so I'll also be wary of executing any further updates.
I've put your suggestions into my MuseScore notes file and will come back to them down the track.
Your energetic support has been fantastic and rapid. Big thanks.

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