Building from source on MAC having challenges. Seeking help.

• May 6, 2024 - 11:51

Hi Everyone,

I recently started to build MuseScore on MAC. I went over the below.

  1. Built Qt6 from this wiki:

  2. Built MuseScore using GitHub downloaded source.

The build completed with some warnings but I was able to find the mscore app.

After playing with it and watching it to crash a few times, I debugged into it and found the DockView init was having a problem resulted in the below error message.

"QObject::connect: Unique connection requires the slot to be a pointer to a member function of a QObject subclass."

This leads me to think the DockView is not a QWidget after some searching.

So, I believe my problem still lies around some version issues. Could someone please give me some pointers?



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