Musescore is getting more bugged by the minute...

• May 6, 2024 - 10:18

some things are starting to happen with musescore 4.
things do not want to work,
things do not want to playback as intended
things do not want to act normal.

i have too much things to even catch...


even worse, no one even wanted to look at some of these. two of these have been out for days on end already and they're still not answered.

if i sound aggressive i don't mean it.


Your first link: your last post 18 April "Well, it was fixed"

Your second link: The Hutch's response to your initial post "Please attach your score and explain exactly what is happening--versus what you expect to happen--and exactly where in the score." - Your response, no score attached.

Your 3rd, 4th 5th posts all dated today.

Patience and co-operation are necessary.

And if you don't mean to sound aggressive, read your posts and edit if necessary before hitting save.

What do you expect?
Musescore is a free program. When requests are answered here, it is other MuseScore users who voluntarily take on a problem and try to provide hints for a solution. This is only possible if the questioner provides sufficient information. This almost always requires the score in question, if only to determine whether it is a program error or an operating error.
Very few of the people who answer have written code for the program. Others have provided clues to possible program bugs by writing bug reports - you could do the same to support bug fixing for future versions.
If the support for the program here is too bad for you, you are of course welcome to purchase a competitor's program for a fee - in the hope that the support there is much better. I doubt it ...

if i sound aggressive i don't mean it.

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